Born: Nagoya, Japan, 1935. United States citizen since 1964.
Has lived and worked in New York City since 1961.
Came to US on a scholarship at Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Scholarship student at Art Students League and Brooklyn Museum Art School in New York City.
Opened Grand Street Potters in 1972 in New York City; later moved to upstate NY.
For more about Tadaky’s life and work:
Joe Houston, “Beyond Perception“, in Tadasky: Control and Invention, 1964-2008, D. Wigmore Fine Art, NYC, 2015 (日本語)
Julie Karabenick’s Interview with Tadasky (Tadasuke Kuwayama), Geoform, 2013
Donald Kuspit, “Sacred Circles and Sensate Colors: Tadasky’s Paintings,” in Tadasky: The Circle Re-Reviewed, 1964 to 2012, David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe, 2012
Selected references:
Arnason, H.H., History of Modern Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, 1968
Barr, Alfred, Painting and Sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art, 1929-1967, 1977
Barrett, Cyril, Op Art, 1970
Barrett, Cyril, An Introduction to Optical Art, 1971
Houston, Joe, Optic Nerve, Perceptual Art of the 1960s, 2007
Kulterman, Udo, The New Painting, 1969
Lampe, Angela, Robert Delaunay, Rythmes Sans Fin, Centre Pompidou exhibition catalog, 2014
Pellegrini, Aldo, New Tendencies in Art, 1966
Popper, Frank, Origins and Development of Kinetic Art, 1968
Rickey, George, Constructivism: Origins and Evolution, 1967/1995
Rosenthal, Erwin, Contemporary Art in the Light of History, 1971/2013
Tiampo, Ming, Gutai: Decentering Modernism, 2011
Weller, Allen S., The Joys and Sorrows of Recent American Art, 1968